Capacity Building

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Capacity Building

GSES core ethos is capacity building. GSES believes that sustainable industry needs both an institutional level quality framework as well as a competent, well trained work force. GSES has been capacity building for over 25 years by creating the structures necessary for industry to grow and ensuring that, at an individual level, these structures are understood and accepted. 

Capacity Building Framework

Proven Track Record

GSES was the first to offer technician level training for the Australian Solar Power Industry in 1992. GSES also worked with the industry association at that time, what is now the Clean Energy Council, to develop the accreditation scheme that is currently used. GSES worked with the Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator (ORER), what is now the Clean Energy Regulator, to help develop the inspection scheme which underpins the industry installation quality standards. 

From 2008 to 2016, GSES was a member of the Renewable and Sustainable Technical Advisory Committee for developing national electrical training packages on behalf of the Australian Skills Quality Association (ASQA) to ensure Units of Competency and Skill Sets are relevant and accurate for the industry (GSES was the committee chair for 6 years).  Members of GSES have been on various Technical Advisory Committees since 2016 and also members of the CEC Skills and Workforce Development Directorate Units of Competency and Skill Sets are relevant and accurate for the industry (GSES was the committee chair for 6 years). 

Global Expertise

Internationally, GSES joined the Institute for Sustainable Power (ISP) in 2000 and undertook projects to develop and introduce quality training frameworks to the ASEAN region (Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, Brunei, Cambodia, Myanmar [Burma], Laos). The work done for ISP to create training frameworks was leveraged by the International Renewable Energy Council (IREC) and forms the basis for the training framework used in the United States of America. 

In 2010, GSES helped the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) form the Sustainable Energy Industry Association of the Pacific Islands (SEIAPI) and GSES currently acts as the Secretariat for this association. From 2018 to 2020 GSES were consultants for the Sustainable Energy Industry Development Project (SEIDP). This project was implemented by the Pacific Power Association and GSES 

  • Developed 16 technical guidelines
  • Developed 19 training unit standards being and had then approved onto the Pacific Qualifications and Standards Registry (PRQS).
  • Conducted 32 4-day workshops on the guidelines in 12 countries.

GSES helped the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) create a technician certification program which saw the development of a regional certification body, the development of manuals in both English and French to conduct certification examinations and aligned local training centre curricula to the newly developed Job Task Assessments (JTA) which sets the standard for installation practices. 

GSES developed the Ugandan Quality Assurance Framework for Component Based Solar Home Systems. The client was the Ugandan Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and the project was supported by the World Bank.

In addition to the above, GSES has conducted capacity building activities in over 40 countries.

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