
Stay qualified with our globally recognised courses delivered by experts online.
You can enrol in our online courses through our International Shop

Renewable Energy Course Licensing

Our course materials are used across the world in classrooms. If you are starting or growing a solar training center, click here.

Bespoke Training

We develop new courses and tailor existing courses to meet meet the needs of companies, governments, industry associations, donors and Non-Government Organizations.

Online Solar Short Courses. Man with laptop on solar farm

Professional Short Courses

Need just a bit more solar knowledge? Professional short courses are specific and can usually be completed within a few days. From fundamentals to advanced software, we have you covered.

Career Training Courses

Start your Solar Career with GSES quality online learning. Flexible, self paced training will help you excel in a fast growing industry.
Choose from Grid Connected and Off Grid Solar Courses.

Why choose GSES training?

Global Sustainable Energy Solutions Pty Ltd (GSES), has been an Australian based training and consultancy company since 1998. We have conducted face to face competency- based solar training courses in over 20 countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific and technical workshops in many others. 

In 2008 GSES became a Registered Training Organisation accredited by the Australian Skills and Qualifications Authority (ASQA) and commenced conducting online training courses for solar designers and installers.

Our Australian courses are based on nationally endorsed Units of Competency (Job task Analysis) from the national training package for the electrical industry. Students who have completing our Australian courses are eligible to obtain their accreditation thorough the Clean Energy Council to design and install solar systems in Australia.

With over 20+ years’ experience in international training, you can be confident in our quality training. 

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